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Colorado Health Foundation releases additional findings from annual Pulse Poll
And image of a head in a sphere and the brain being watered, like a plant.
Colorado's Shifting Landscape: Belonging, Mental Health, and Rising Concerns in ...
While the persistently high cost of living is causing many Coloradnas to worry about how they can afford to stay in our state today, the 2024 Colorado
Road sign with text "Welcome to Costly Colorado"
Welcome to Costly Colorado
Anyone who has driven into Colorado from another state has been welcomed by the iconic “Welcome to Colorful Colorado” sign, yet the recent Colorado
weather vane in foreground, Colorado rural landscape in background
Introducing Pulse: The Colorado Health Foundation Poll...
When I joined The Colorado Health Foundation in November 2018, I started with three items on my “to do” list: Figure out how to use public opinion
CHF building
New statewide poll: Challenging year has threatened many Coloradans’ economic s...
Press Contact: Austin Montoya, amontoya@coloradohealth.org, 303-953-3686 Note: Poll data can be segmented for media by the Eastern Plains, Colorado
Key Takeaways from Our Conversations with 2,275 Coloradans...
This year has been challenging for many of us – with a pandemic that has taken so many lives, a national reckoning on race that’s long overdue, and